Welcome, and thank you for visiting St. Mary Orthodox Church online. We hope that our website highlights the wide variety of worship, fellowship, ministery and education opportunities available. Please feel free to read more about our church on this site, or come join with us in prayer. We would love to greet you and share with you our love for Jesus Christ and for you, our neighbor.
- Our Tuesday evening Bible Studies have concluded. Thank you to everyone who participated. In case you missed any of the classes, you may access the podcasts of all classes at https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/kings-patriot-podcast. Our next Bible Study Classes will be on the Book of Revelations. The dates and times for these classes will be announced at a later date.
- There will be NO Vespers/Discussion this coming Wednesday, February 19th due to the interior of the church being painted.
- Saturday of Souls Divine Liturgy and Trisagion (Memorial) Prayers for the Departed will be prayed this coming Saturday, February 22nd, at 9:00 AM. If you have yet to submit names of your departed loved ones to be commemorated, please do so by Friday morning, February 21st.
- Our Annual Hafli is this coming Saturday evening - February 22nd. Doors open at 7:30 PM. Tickets in advance are $100.00 per person; $110.00 at the door. If you have not reserved your seat, please speak with Nabil Aboukhaled 561.502-8588, or Jane Pasley 561.389-0346.
Have a blessed week,
Fr. Peter
files/Bulletin-February-16-2025.pdf (2954kb)
files/The-Parable-of-the-Weeds-2-EN-2.pdf (143kb)
Honesty means first of all, to speak the truth and never to “bear false witness” (Exod us 20.16). Honesty also means to act truly and openly, without pretense, or the presentation of a false image of oneself. It means, in a word, not to be a hypocrite. Above all things, Christ the Lord hated and condemned hypocrisy, lying and deceit. He accused the devil himself, first and foremost, of being a deceiver and liar, pretending to be other than he is, presenting himself and his teaching as totally other than the falsehood and wickedness that they actually are (cf. Jn 8.44–47).
- Attached to this email is The Weekly Bulletin and Metropolitan Saba's Teaching. Please take a few minutes to read through both.
- Time is running out to reserve your seat for our annual Saint Mary's Hafli on February 22nd. Please speak with Nabil Aboukhalid or Jane Pasley to secure your seat.
- Following this Sunday's International Luncheon, our parents and children will be visiting the Palm Beach Zoo. Please speak with Pamela Weidmann so she may have a head count to purchase tickets.
- Join us for our first 'International Luncheon' this coming Sunday, February 16th, during Coffee Hour. Bring a covered dish for 10 - 12 people representing the foods of your ethnic heritage.
- Our Ladies Society will meet this Sunday at 11;45 AM, in the Banquet Hall. All ladies are welcome to attend and participate.
- Pray with us this coming week:
files/February-9-2025.pdf (1960kb)
files/The-Parable-of-the-Weeds-1-EN.pdf (147kb)
- Attached to this email is The Weekly Bulletin and Metropolitan Saba's Teaching. Please take a few minutes to read through both.
- If you have not yet done so, please reserve your seats for our Annual Hafli on Saturday, February 22nd. Please speak to Nabil Aboukhaled or Jane Pasley.
- This coming Tuesday, February 11th, is the last Bible Study Class in which the Gospel of Matthew is studied. Please join us as we will look at the themes of the Last Supper and the Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. We will begin at 6:30 PM.
- Join us in prayer this coming week:
files/Bulletin-February-2-2025.pdf (1980kb)
files/Man-of-Resurrection-EN.pdf (142kb)
- Attached to this email is The Weekly Bulletin and Metropolitan Saba's teaching. Please take a few minutes to read both.
- If you have not done so already, please contact Nabil Aboukhaled or Jane Pasley to reserve your tickets for our annual Hafli on Saturday, February 22nd. More information may be found in the bulletin.
- Memory Eternal - Zakia Salloum. Visitation, Funeral and Burial arrangements for Zakia Salloum are as follows: Monday, February 3rd: Visitation 9:30 AM, followed by Funeral at 10:00 AM, at Saint Mary's. Burial will follow at Hillcrest Memorial Park (Parker Avenue). A 40 Day Memorial Service for her repose will be on Sunday, March 2nd. Memory Eternal!
- Pray with us this coming week.
files/Bulletin-January-26-2025.pdf (2452kb)
files/On-Salvation---My-Salvation-and-the-Salvation-of-Others-EN.pdf (144kb)
- Attached to this week's email is The Weekly Bulletin and Metropolitan Saba's Teaching. Please take a few minutes to read through both.
- The Annual General Meeting of Saint Mary's will be this coming Sunday, January 26th, at 11:45 PM, in the Banquet Hall. Lunch will be provided by the Parish Council. Please plan to attend and participate in the work and ministry of your church.
- Reservations and tickets for our annual Hafli on Saturday, February 22nd, are now available. Please speak to Nabil Aboukhaled or Jane Pasley to reserve your seat.
- There will be no Vesper Services this coming Saturday, January 25th, and Wednesday, January 29th.
- Join us in prayer this coming Sunday, January 26th. Matins begin at 8:50 AM, followed by the Divine Liturgy at 10:00 AM. As a reminder, Sunday School Classes are held each Sunday morning following Communion.
files/Bulletin-January-19-2025-29th-Sunday-after-Pentecost.pub (465kb)
files/Baptizing-the-World-2-EN.pdf (120kb)
Over the next several weeks our weekly email will focus on the virtues of the Orthodox Faith. These virtues are often referred to as the "fruits of the Spirit" of which we all should have in truly being in the image and likeness of God. This week the spotlight is on 'Faith.'
The foundation of all Christian virtue and life is faith.Faith in God is fundamental for spiritual life. And to believe in God is to believe in His Son Jesus Christ as well. Faith in Jesus as “the Christ, the Son of the living God,” is the center of the Christian life and the foundation of the Church (Matthew 16:16). It is the source of all wisdom, power and virtue. It is the means by which man can know and do all things, for “all things are possible to him who believes” (Matthew 17:20). Faith, first of all, is “the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” Faith itself is a “gift of God” given to all and accepted by the poor in spirit and the pure in heart, who are open to the activity of God in their lives (Ephesians 2:8).
Man was made to have faith in God. Not to believe in God is a perversion of human nature and the cause of all evils. The weakness and absence of faith in God is rooted in sin, impurity and pride. It is never simply the result of an intellectual mistake or mental confusion. It is always the result of the suppression of the truth through wickedness, the exchange of God’s truth for a lie, the refusal, consciously or unconsciously, to acknowledge God with honor and thanksgiving.
The spiritual person is the one who, by the grace of God’s Spirit, is faithful in all things. The spiritual person lives “by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me” (Galatians 2:20). The spiritual person is the one who, by the grace of God’s Spirit, is faithful in all things. (Fr. Thomas Hopko 'The Orthodox Faith: The Virtues)
- Attached to this week's email is The Weekly Bulletin and Metropolitan Saba's Teaching. Please take a few minutes to read both.
- Our weekly Bible Study on the Gospel of Matthew continues this Tuesday, January 21st. Led by Jim Gavrilos, the classes are held in the Banquet Hall from 6:30 to 8:00 PM. All are welcome to attend. Please bring your bibles.
- As a reminder, Spiritual Discussions are held each Wednesday following Vespers (at 6:30 PM). This week's topic" 'A Christian Ending to Our Life,'
- Home Blessings continue until the beginning of Great Lent (Monday, March 3rd). Instructions on scheduling a Home Blessing may be found in The Weekly Bulletin.
- Annual Hafli - Saturday, February 22nd. For reservations, please speak with Nabil Aboukhaled or Jane Pasley.
- Join us in prayer this coming week:
Saturday, January 18th: Great Vespers at 6:30 PM.
Sunday, January 19th: Matins at 8:50 AM; Divine Liturgy at 10:00 AM.
Wednesday, January 22nd: Vespers at 6:30 PM.
"Only one who guards himself from all sin can have sincere and fervent faith. Faith is only preserved in the presence of good morals." +Saint Nikon of Optina
With love in Christ,
Fr. Peter