Welcome, and thank you for visiting St. Mary Orthodox Church online. We hope that our website highlights the wide variety of worship, fellowship, ministery and education opportunities available. Please feel free to read more about our church on this site, or come join with us in prayer. We would love to greet you and share with you our love for Jesus Christ and for you, our neighbor.
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"Blessings From God'
In the mornings when I return home from the gym, I am constantly treated to the beauty of the sun rising from the east intermingling with the clouds. As I look at the gratuitous beauty unfolding in front of me, I am in awe. This morning treat for me is a constant reminder of the blessings God pours out upon His creation. We sometimes forget that this beauty, and all blessings, was created for us. God created everything for man. But Why? Simply put, God created it for us. For me, for you, in order to enter into a relationship with Him. God’s blessings are all around us; in nature, in other people, within our own hearts, in the liturgy and the sacraments. The question to ask ourselves is: Do we make the effort to open our hearts, minds and senses to receive what He is pouring out? If our hearts are open to the blessings God is pouring out, then we can receive them. God wants to give us abundant blessings, but in order to be open to receive them, we must make the effort to realize His presence in our lives.
+Saint Dimitri of Rostov offered this prayer entitled "Prayer of Invitation to Christ."
"Open, O doors and bolts of my heart, that Christ the King of Glory may enter!
Enter, O my Light, and enlighten my darkness;
Enter, O my Life, and resurrect my deadness;
Enter, O my Physician, and heal my wounds;
Enter, O Divine Fire, and burn up the thorns of my sins;
Ignite my inward parts and my heart with the flame of Thy love;
Enter, O my King, and destroy in me the kingdom of sin;
Sit on the throne of my heart and reign in me alone, O Thou, my King and Lord."
- There will be no Bible Study this Tuesday, October 29th. Bible Study resumes on Tuesday, November 5th. Podcast of previous Bible Studies may be found at https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/kings-patriot-podcast
- Catechism Class continues this Wednesday, October 30th, in the church immediately following Vespers Service. This week's class will be 'Chrismation: Our own Pentecost.'
- Join us in prayer this coming week.
Saturday, October 26th - Great Vespers at 6:30 PM.
Sunday, October 27th - Matins at 8:50 AM; Divine Liturgy at 10:00 AM.
Wednesday, October 30th - Vespers at 6:30 PM.
Saturday, November 2nd - Divine Liturgy for the Feast of Saint Raphael of Brooklyn, Shepherd of America at 9:00 AM.
*** Please note that there will be no Vespers Service on Saturday's during the month of November ***
With love in Christ,
Fr. Peter
files/Bulletin-October-20-2024.pdf (1978kb)
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Beloved in Christ,
With Halloween approaching, allow me to offer this as a public service announcement. Our society at large tends to think of witches, demons, ghouls, and spirits as harmless games and fun. Orthodox Christians understand from experience however, that these things are incredibly dangerous. When we are invited to activities that deal with the above whether it is out of ignorance, or in the spirit of fun, we have to ask ourselves: “Why would I want to poke the bear?” Demons and evil spirits are absolutely, positively, without a shadow of a doubt, REAL. They surround us like vultures (see the icon Saint John Climacus and the Ladder of Divine Ascent as vivid example), waiting to crash down on those who show either weakness in the spiritual life, or (worse yet) attacking those who playfully deny their existence. With that in mind, here are three things to remember about the existence of demons and how we are to react to them.
- If you look for them, they will find you!
Saint Paisius of Nemnt wrote: “Do you not know with whom you battle? The legions of invisible enemies surround you, and every one of them wages his own battle? They sound numberless voices, and desire to swallow up your soul. Should you not be cautious? Is it possible that having drunk your fill and given yourself over to sleep, lying down and constantly consoling yourself, that you can with all of this, receive salvation? If you will not be attentive to this…you will never escape their traps!”
- The only thing demons are capable of is destruction!
They cannot love. They cannot lift us up. They cannot fill our lives with light or life. Their only aim is to destroy.
- A Savior is needed to escape their destruction!
When we run into any trouble in life, not just with an encounter with a demon, but even struggles of doubt, our health, or even relationships, we need to turn to our helper and protector - Jesus Christ. As well, we turn to the protection of the Church - the Body of Christ, that has given us so many spiritual weapons (Confession, Communion, Unction, Prayer) with which to combat the demons.
As we draw closer to the end of October, be careful to "not poke the bear!" Rather seek consolation and love in the light that is offered to us every time we enter into prayer, every time we enter into Church, and most importantly in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
- Our Saint Mary's Ladies Society meets this Sunday (October 20th), during Coffee Hour. All ladies are encouraged to participate.
- Bible Study on the Gospel of Matthew continues this Tuesday (October 22nd) from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM. Bible Study will now be held in the Banquet Hall. This provides us with more room and flexibility.
- Catechism Classes continue this Wednesday (October 23rd), immediately following Vespers Service. This week we will discuss 'Preparing ourselves for Confession.' Classes are held in the church. All are welcome to attend.
- Pray with us this coming week:
Saturday, October 19th - Great Vespers at 6:30 PM.
Sunday, October 20th - Matins at 8:50 AM, followed by the Divine Liturgy at 10:00 AM.
Wednesday, October 23rd - Vespers at 6:30 PM.
"Do not depart from God for the sake of earthly things. Do not take the example of him that is weaker than you, but that of Him who is more perfect." - +Saint Antony the Great
With love in Christ,
Fr. Peter
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Beloved in Christ,
The Gospel lesson for this coming Sunday (Luke 7: 11-16), we hear about Jesus Christ encountering a group of mourners as he entered the town of Nain. A funeral procession was proceeding out of the town carrying the body of the son of a widowed woman. During the time of Christ, a widow was seen as a defenseless and desperate person in society. There were no insurance policies with survivor benefits, social security, or pensions. A widow was totally dependent upon family for survival. As she buried her son, her only son, she was now left alone. Defenseless. Vulnerable. Marginalized. Desperate. Broken-hearted. “When the Lord saw her, He had compassion on her and said to her, “Do not weep.”” This is yet another example in the Gospels of Christ's compassion upon those who were vulnerable, lost and in despair.
The etymology of the word "compassion” from its Latin roots means "co-suffering." Compassion involves not only "feeling for another" but “feeling with another.” Henri Nouwen, a Dutch Catholic priest and writer, explained that “...compassion asks us to go where it hurts, to share in brokenness, fear, confusion, and anguish." This is the compassion Jesus showed to the world, to each one of us. When God became man, He entered into our broken and suffering world, journeyed with us, and had compassion upon us.
If we are to bear the name 'Christian' - to be followers of Christ, we must be imitators of Him. We must be co-sufferers with one another. It is not enough to understand one's suffering, desperation and brokenness, but we - as Christ did for the Widow of Nain - must enter into the suffering of others and have compassion.
This week's notes highlight Christian education and growth within our Saint Mary's community.
- This Sunday, and each Sunday following Communion, our children have the opportunity to participate in Sunday School classes where they will not only learn about the Orthodox Faith, but to love Jesus Christ, and enjoy fellowship with each other. This Sunday prior to Communion will be the monthly 'Children's Sermon.' All children are welcome to participate.
- Bible Study on the Gospel of Matthew continues this coming Tuesday, 6:30 to 8:00 PM, in the Conference Room. This past Tuesday we had 31 participants. Bring your bibles and join us.
- Our Fall Catechism Series begins this coming Wednesday, with a two week overview on the Sacrament of Confession. Catechism will be held in the church immediately following Vespers Service. All catechumens, inquirers into the Orthodox Faith should attend. The Catechism Series is also open to all who wish to deepen their faith and grow as Orthodox Christians.
Pray with us at Saint Mary's this week.
- Saturday, October 5th - Great Vespers Service at 6:30 PM.
- Sunday, October 6th - Matins Service at 8:50 AM, followed by the Divine Liturgy at 10:00 AM.
- Wednesday, October 9th - Vespers Service at 6:30 PM.
"If at some time you show mercy to someone, mercy will be shown to you." +Saint Moses of Optina
With love in Christ,
Fr. Peter
Beloved in Christ,
- Attached to this weekly email is this Sunday's Worship Guide and Bulletin. as well as the weekly teaching from Metropolitan Saba. Please take a few minutes to read through both.
- Sunday School Classes are underway! Parents: If you have children between the ages of 3 and 12 years of age, please bring your children to Sunday School. It is here that they learn not only about the Church, but to love Jesus.
- Bible Study continues this Tuesday evening (October 1st), in the Conference Room from 6:30 to 8:00 PM. This past Tuesday we had 28 participants. Bring your Bibles and join us.
- Come pray with us this week:
files/Bulletin-September-22-2024.pdf (10155kb)
- Attached to this email is The Weekly Bulletin. Please take a few minutes to read through it for the liturgical hymns, scripture readings for this coming Sunday, as well as forthcoming activities at Saint Mary's.
- Thank you to everyone - especially the parents - who made last weeks Sunday School Kick-off a HUGE SUCCESS! Our Sunday School is growing, almost doubling in size from last year. Classes begin this coming Sunday, and will be held each Sunday immediately following Communion for all children 3 to 12 years.
- Bible Study continues this Tuesday (September 24th), from 6:30 to 8:00 PM, in the Conference Room. This past Tuesday we had 30 participants. Bring your bibles and join us.
- Sunday, September 22nd: Matins begin at 8:50 AM, followed by the Divine Liturgy at 10:00 AM.
- Wednesday, September 25th: Great Vespers at 6:30 PM.
- Please note that there will be no Vespers Service on Saturday, September 21st.
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Dear Beloved in Christ,
When I was a child I hated Sunday School. I was bored and thought I knew it all. My parents knew this. The Sunday School teachers understood this. Somehow my priest had the presence of mind to realize I would be better off in church, serving in the Altar. From that point on (10 years of age), I never again set foot in a Sunday School Room as a student. For me, attending church and serving in the Altar had more value. It became my classroom.
There are mixed opinions about Sunday School and church attendance. This is not an easy issue for parents to deal with. It is not uncommon to see parents remove kids from church because they have become too disruptive. Parents may consciously come late to church so the kids don’t have to be there as long. They may also bring toys with them to church for kids to play with to keep them quiet. Some would like to see the children "shuttled off" to Sunday School for the entire Divine Liturgy. Some are of the opinion that the children should be in church and learn by participating (I am of that opinion). Others think there should be a healthy mix between being in Sunday School and attending the Divine Liturgy. The bottom line is that we as a Church - especially the grown ups - have a sacred responsibility to help form the child's Orthodox Christian identity. We must remember that our children are not our future - they are our present. They are part of our Church now.
Sunday School at Saint Mary's begins this coming Sunday (September 15th). Our model will be to encourage the parents to bring their children to the Divine Liturgy and actively have them participate. Following Communion, Sunday School Classes are held, where our teachers hope to instil in our children the love for their Orthodox Faith, and help them begin their journey towards living a Christ-like life.
- Attached to this email is The Weekly Bulletin and Metropolitan Saba's Teaching. Please take a few minutes to read through them both.
- As mentioned above, Sunday School Classes begin this Sunday. It will be a full day beginning with the monthly Children's Sermon and Blessing of the Children; First Sunday of Classes; A celebration of being back together again with a Taco/Nacho Party, along with a Bounce House/Water Slide (Parents: Please bring swimsuits, towels and dry clothes for your children.
- Bible Study continues this Tuesday, September 17th, from 6:30 - 8:00 PM; Spiritual Discussion will be held on Wednesday, September 18th, following Vespers.
- Come pray with us this coming week:
Saturday, September 14th - Feast of the Elevation of the Cross: Divine Liturgy at 9:00 AM, followed by the Procession of the Cross and distribution of flowers.\
***There will be NO Vespers this coming Saturday evening (September 20th)***
Sunday, September 15th: Orthros at 8:50 AM; Divine Liturgy at 10:00 AM. Trisagion (Memorial) Prayers will be offered for the repose of Jodet Rae (40 Days); Paula Slattery (1 Year); and Roy Samra (1 Year). May their memory be eternal!
Wednesday, September 18th: Vespers Service at 6:30 PM.
“We, who believe in the living God and whose hopes depend upon Him, ought to rejoice that we have such a Father in the heavens, Who loves us more than all fathers and mothers and Who takes infinite care to render us worthy of Him.” The Elder Ephraim of Arizona
With love in Christ,
Fr. Peter
files/Bulletin-September-8-2024.pdf (8659kb)
Beloved in Christ.
This coming week we celebrate the first two 'Major Feast Days' of the church year: The Nativity of the Theotokos (September 8th) and The Elevation of the Precious Cross (September 14th). Both of these feasts celebrate life. The Nativity of the Theotokos (born of pious parents Saints Joachim and Anna, who were elderly and barren) prefigures man's transition from barrenness into life, in that through her own flesh, the Savior of the world became man, humbling Himself even to the point of death on the Cross. This leads us to the Elevation of the Precious Cross which commemorates the finding of the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ by Saint Helena - Mother of the Emperor Constantine in the year 326 AD. It is the cross - a tool of suffering and death - that Christ transformed into His throne and became the instrument of our salvation and life-everlasting.
The Church presents these two feast days, as well as all feast days not merely as commemorations of the past, but to make the past present. We actualize the feast being celebrated so that we are also participating in it. Through the feasts, we remember God’s promises and His ever presence among us.
- Attached to this weekly email is The Weekly Bulletin and Metropolitan Saba's Weekly Teaching. Please take a few minutes to read through both.
- Fall Bible Study commences this coming Tuesday, September 10th, from 6:30 to 8:00 PM, in the Conference Room. Led by Jim Gavrilos, this fall we will focus on the Gospel of Matthew. All are welcome to attend. Please bring your bibles.
- Wednesday Evening Spiritual Discussions resume this Wednesday, September 11th, immediately following Vespers Service. All discussions are held in the church and conclude by 7:45 PM.
- Sunday School begins Sunday, September 15th. Please refer to the information in this week's bulletin to register your child for Sunday School Classes.
Pray With Us This Week...
- Saturday, September 7th: Great Vespers Service at 6:30 PM.
- Sunday, September 8th - Feast of the Nativity of the Theotokos: Matins at 8:50 AM, followed by the Divine Liturgy at 10:00 AM.
- Wednesday, September 10th: Great Vespers Service at 6:30 PM.
- Saturday, September 14th - Feast of the Elevation of the Precious Cross (Eid al Salib): Divine Liturgy at 9:00 AM. Procession of the Cross and distribution of the blessed flowers at the conclusion of the Liturgy.
Quote of the Week...
“Be careful with your mouth, but primarily with your mind; do not let evil thoughts start talking to you. Do not let your mouth say words that could perhaps wound your brother. Let your mouth put forth words which are fragrant: words of consolation, courage and hope. It is a person’s mouth that reveals his interior inner man.” Elder Ephriam of Arizona.
With love in Christ,
Fr. Peter
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Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Happy New Year!
You may be thinking that either I'm a bit early or a bit late in wishing you a Happy New Year, however on September 1st, the Orthodox Church celebrates the Ecclesiastical New Year, also known as The Indiction. The word 'Indiction' comes from the word 'Indictio,' an imperial decree which means Definition or Order. Every fifteen years the Roman emperors would issue a new tax in order to maintain military defense. This period of time was also the length of conscription for Roman soldiers. The first worldwide Indiction was in 312 AD, by the Emperor Constantine the Great.
According to Holy Tradition, Christ entered the synagogue on September 1 to announce His mission to mankind (Luke 4:16-22). Quoting Isaiah 61:1-2, the Savior proclaimed, “The spirit of the Lord is upon Me; because He has anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to proclaim release to captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed, to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord...”
The observance of the Ecclesiastical New Year provides us with an opportunity for introspection, repentance, and revitalization; it is a time for us to reflect on the creation of the world and our fall into sin. This encourages us to give thanks to the Lord for our own creation, reflect on our own, personal falls, establish spiritual goals, and strive for a deeper connection with God. Liturgically, this celebration is accompanied by special prayers, hymns, and readings, serving as a continual reminder of the utmost significance of spiritual renewal and the ongoing pursuit of God's grace in our lives.
- Attached to this week's email is The Weekly Bulletin, and Metropolitan Saba's Teaching.
- Enclosed in the bulletin is a link to register your children for our 2024-2025 Sunday School Program. Please go to the link, print the form and return the completed form ASAP. Sunday School Classes begin Sunday September 15th.
- Bible Study Classes begin Tuesday, September 10th, from 6:30 to 8:00 PM in the Conference Room. The Fall Bible Study led by Jim Gavrilos, will be on the Gospel of Matthew.
- Join us in prayer this coming week:
Saturday, August 31st - Great Vespers at 6:30 PM.
Sunday, September 1st (Ecclesiastical New Year) - Matins at 8:50 AM; Divine Liturgy at 10:00 AM. Prayers for 'The Beginning of the Church New Year' will be offered.
Wednesday, September 4th - Vespers at 6:30 PM.
With love in Christ,
Fr. Peter